Week 3 Day 4 Action Items

Day 4

Sample Variance Analysis Report


  1. Revenue Variance:

    Explanation: The actual revenue fell slightly short of the budgeted target by $2,000, mainly due to lower-than-expected sales in [specific product/service] during the period.

  2. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Variance:

    Explanation: Higher raw material costs led to a variance of $5,000 in COGS, primarily driven by unexpected price increases from suppliers.

  3. Operating Expenses Variance:

    Explanation: Increased marketing spending for a new campaign accounted for the majority of the $1,800 variance in operating expenses.

    (A financial professional can provide suggested corrective actions and recommendations.)

    Take Action

    Review your budget and compare it to the actuals for the month.

    What areas are different than your original plan?

    Identify why they are different and brainstorm ideas on corrective actions if needed.

    (We will focus on tracking these expenses in more detail next week.)

    *How to save this page to your notion account: Read Here