Week 50 Day 3 Action Items

Day 3

Smart Goals

For each goal, fill in the details according to the SMART criteria. This will help ensure that your goals are clear, focused, and actionable.

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3
S Specific A. What exactly do you want to achieve?
B. Who is involved or responsible?
C. Where will it take place (if applicable)?
D. Why is this goal important?
M Measurable A. How will you track progress?
B. What are the key performance indicators (KPIs)?
C. How will you know when the goal is accomplished?
A Achievable A. Is the goal realistic given your resources and constraints?
B. What steps or actions will you take to reach the goal?
C. Do you have the necessary skills and support?
R Relevant A. Does the goal align with your business objectives?
B. Will it contribute to your long-term success and growth?
C. Is now the right time to pursue this goal?
T Time-bound A. When will you start working on the goal?
B. What is the target completion date?
C. Are there any milestones or checkpoints along the way?

Rank Goals by Priority

Rank your goals with the highest priority goal first. List the second highest. Then third.

  1. Goal
  2. Goal
  3. Goal